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Vacation Paradise

It seems that the times we are the most tired and drained are often the times we should be most engaged and vibrant. We spend so many hours during the course of the day rushing from one thing to another, always trying to squeeze more into our calendar. We drain our batteries and the only way we think to recharge them is to sleep as nuch as possible before we have to wake and rush off to attack the new day.Yet the most invigorating and restorative times of the day slip right past us on our way to work or sleep.

The early morning when dawn is quietly breaking, before the hustle and bustle of everyday life takes hold, is truly beauty to experience. The early wisps of light, the quiet sounds of the night fading and the omnipresent noise of the sunlit day not yet in full hum, is truly uplifting. It fills you with wonder and optimism. It energizess you in a way only few know. It gives you that surge to not simply stumble into the day in haste, but to stride into it head on and embrace it.

The beauty of the sunset as night's fingers slowly slide across the landscape, is truly inspirational. It fills you with awe. You feel the sounds of the day slowly receeding before the darkness. Even as the sun slips below the horizion, you sense the night is not the end but the start of the new. The quiet reflection of the night will soon give way to the new glory of sunrise. It quiets the soul and eases the mind, all the while rejuvenating the body. It cleanses us.

In south Florida we have glorious sunrises and sunsets. They happen every day, but they only happen once. They are never the same. Embrace them, seize on them and use their power. Do it in the manner you chose. The manner that brings you the most joy. Most importantly however, do not miss them. They should not be taken for granted for when they pass that day, they are gone forever.

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