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Summer the quiet season

Summer in Southwest Florida is a beautiful time. Yes it can get hot and the rainfall can be torrential. The days are longer and the water is also warmer. There are fewer people enjoying the beaches and the traffic is so much lighter. It is the perfect time to be in Southwest Florida.

There really is nothing quite like an early morning on the beach. Whether you take your coffee and stroll along or whether you put on your running shoes and pound out a few miles, the beach is gorgeous this time of year. The graying early morning light as it pushes away the blackness, the sound of the waves hitting the shore and the smell of the sea air are something everyone should experience. Keep your eyes open as you walk, you may step on a perfect shell washed up overnight or you might see a dolphin lazily swimming for its morning breakfast along the shore.

Take it all in. Savor every drop. It is pure heaven.

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